Three HousesThree Houses

An Inevitable Encounter

White Clouds, Prologue

Mission Overview

The mission for the prologue is A Skirmish at Dawn. Note: the following data is for Maddening mode, Normal/Hard mode may differ.


Victory ConditionDefeat Condition
Defeat KostasAny player unit dies or the player's army is routed

Initial Units



RuffianSword Prowess Lv 33
RuffianAxe Prowess Lv 24
RuffianAxe Prowess Lv 21
KostasAxe Prowess Lv 31


This mission does not have any reinforcements.

Obtainable Items

Iron AxeDropped by Kostas.


  • The enemies move in groups. Aside from the single enemy thief near the starting point, there are three groups of units: Kostas and two ruffians at the top, a group of two ruffians on the right, and another group of three on the left. If you aggro any enemy from a group, the rest of the group will also begin moving.
  • Kostas' group will begin moving towards you once you defeat the other groups.
  • Jeralt does not move until Kostas moves.
  • If Jeralt's attack would kill Kostas, he will be left at 1 HP instead.
  • Trade the weapons and items of the two lords that you don't plan on using to Byleth and the lord that you will use. They are enough to complete the chapter without any help from the other two lords.

Three HousesThree Houses